- What brand is your car? It's a BMW. 你汽车什么牌子?
- What brand is your car? 你的车是那个品牌的?
- What brand is your new auto? 你的新轿车是什么牌子的?
- What brand is the red car over there,it looks nice. 那辆红色汽车是什么牌子的?看起来很好看。
- What model,year and maker is your car? 你车子的型号、年份和制造商是什么?
- What model, year and maker is your car? 你车子的型号、年份和制造商是什么?
- With what brand is those picture above take? 上面的照片是由什么胶卷拍的?
- What brand of computer is yours? 你的电脑是什么牌子的?
- Would you please help me take a look,what brand is my clothes? 你们帮我瞧瞧,我的衣服是什么牌子的?
- Which car is yours/Which is your car? The Ford or the Volvo? 哪辆汽车是你的/哪辆是你的汽车? 是“福特”牌的还是“沃尔沃”牌的?
- Would you please help me take a look, what brand is my clothes? 你们帮我瞧瞧,我的衣服是什么牌子的?
- This is your car entering the lot,yes? 这是你的车进入停车库对吗?
- Dario: Why is your car so dirty? 达里奥:为什么你的车这么脏?
- Which ONE of the following brands is your favorite? 以下哪一个手提电话品牌是你最喜爱的?
- C of natural fructification vitamin (VC) the comparison of what brand is good? 天然果实维生素C(VC)什么牌子的比较好?
- Is classics tipple honey good to the body? The honey of what brand is good? 经常喝蜂蜜对身体好吗?什么牌子的蜂蜜好?
- Where is your car? Lucy: It is at the front of the big building. 你的汽车在哪?露西:在那栋大楼前。
- What brand is acknowledged as the first 100% blue agave tequila imported into the US? 第一个出口到美国的采用100%25龙舌兰酿造的特基拉酒是哪个品牌?
- "Your car breaks down and today is your lucky day?"She was puzzled. "What do you mean? “你的车坏了,你还说今天走运?”她一脸的困惑。“你什么意思啊?
- I don"t know that what brand is two pagers, also don"t know is which had the paging centers. 我已经不知道那两部传呼机是什么品牌的了,也不知道当初入的是哪个寻呼台了。